A national association of innovative & entrepreneurial
behavioral healthcare organizations
focused on the development of C-suite executives.

Member List

Please click on a member's Company name to visit their profile, its URL to visit its website, or click on a State to see more members in that state:

Company City State Website Member Date
Acadiana Area Human Services District Lafayette Louisiana https://aahsd.org 2024-02-05
Acenda Glassboro New Jersey http://acendahealth.org 1996-04-04
Advocates Framingham Massachusetts http://www.advocates.org 2015-01-22
Alaska Behavioral Health Anchorage Alaska https://alaskabehavioralhealth.org 1998-10-16
AllHealth Network Englewood Colorado http://www.allhealthnetwork.org/ 2017-05-21
Alliance Healthcare Services Memphis Tennessee http://www.alliance-hs.org/ 1999-09-24
AltaPointe Health Mobile Alabama http://www.altapointe.org 2007-03-12
AMHC Presque Isle Maine http://www.amhc.org 1986-04-01
Aspire Health Partners Orlando Florida http://www.aspirehealthpartners.com 2006-01-12
Aurora Mental Health & Recovery Aurora Colorado https://www.auroramhr.org/ 1985-02-01
AXIS Health System Durango Colorado https://www.axishealthsystem.org 2016-08-10
Beacon Mental Health Kansas City Missouri https://www.beaconmentalhealth.org 2017-09-25
Bert Nash Center Lawrence Kansas http://www.bertnash.org 2006-01-26
BHR Olympia Washington http://www.bhr.org 2011-01-18
Boundless Worthington Ohio https://iamboundless.org 2021-02-16
Bowen Center Warsaw Indiana https://www.bowencenter.org 2007-08-01
Bridgeway Inc. Galesburg Illinois http://www.bway.org 2016-08-01
Bright Harbor Healthcare Bayville New Jersey https://brightharbor.org 2010-04-08
Burke Lufkin Texas http://www.myburke.org 1985-09-30
Burrell Behavioral Health Springfield Missouri http://www.burrellcenter.com 2017-11-27
Care Plus NJ, Inc. Paramus New Jersey https://www.careplusnj.org 1988-12-23
Cascade Community Healthcare Centralia Washington https://cascadecommunityhealthcare.org 2019-06-18
CenClear Woodland Pennsylvania https://www.cenclear.org 2024-05-21
Centers for Youth & Families, Inc. Little Rock Arkansas http://www.centersforyouthandfamilies.org 1998-07-21
Centerstone (FL) Bradenton Florida http://www.centerstoneflorida.org 2004-12-09
Centerstone (TN) Nashville Tennessee http://www.centerstone.org 2001-05-14
Charlotte Behavioral Health Care Punta Gorda Florida https://www.cbhcfl.org 2024-12-12
Chestnut Health Systems Granite City Illinois http://www.chestnut.org 2014-05-02
Child & Family Service Ewa Beach Hawaii https://www.childandfamilyservice.org 2024-07-18
Chimes Baltimore Maryland https://chimes.org 2024-06-11
CHR Windsor Connecticut https://www.chrhealth.org 2023-01-03
Circles of Care, Inc. Melbourne Florida https://www.circlesofcare.org 1985-12-23
Claratel Behavioral Health Decatur Georgia https://www.dekcsb.org 2021-04-01
Clinica Family Health & Wellness Lafayette Colorado http://www.mhpcolorado.org 2015-07-27
CODAC Health, Recovery & Wellness, Inc. Tucson Arizona http://www.codac.org 2012-05-02
Coleman Health Services Kent Ohio https://www.colemanservices.org 1997-08-04
Communicare Elizabethtown Kentucky https://www.communicare.org 2023-08-28
Community Assisted & Supported Living (CASL) Sarasota Florida https://caslinc.org 2024-11-05
Community Counseling Center Ashtabula Ohio http://www.cccohio.com 2015-08-18
Community Healthcore Longview Texas http://www.communityhealthcore.com 2008-03-06
Community Reach Center Westminster Colorado http://www.CommunityReachCenter.org 1985-04-09
Community Resource Center Centralia Illinois https://www.crconline.info 2018-01-09
Community Resources for Justice Boston Massachusetts https://www.crj.org 2021-04-20
Compass Health Everett Washington http://www.compasshealth.org 2004-08-30
Compass Health Network Jefferson City Missouri https://compasshealthnetwork.org 2019-08-22
Comprehensive Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. Lyndhurst New Jersey http://www.cbhcare.com 1997-12-15
Comprehensive Healthcare Yakima Washington http://www.comphc.org 2013-03-27
Comprehensive Life Resources Tacoma Washington https://www.comprehensiveliferesources.org 2023-01-25
Copa Health, Inc. Mesa Arizona https://copahealth.org 2022-02-15
CPC Integrated Health Eatontown New Jersey https://www.cpcintegratedhealth.org 1985-02-01
CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness Emporia Kansas http://crosswindsks.org 2017-11-10
David Lawrence Centers Naples Florida https://davidlawrencecenters.org 1985-02-02
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Villanova Pennsylvania https://www.devereux.org 2024-08-27
Diversus Health Colorado Springs Colorado https://diversushealth.org 1985-02-01
Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center Miles City Montana https://www.emcmhc.org 2024-03-11
Edgewater Health Gary Indiana https://edgewaterhealth.org/ 1997-10-01
Egyptian Health Department Eldorado Illinois http://www.egyptian.org 2017-04-03
Eleos Wellness Pinellas Park Florida https://eleoswellness.org 2018-02-06
Emergence Health Network El Paso Texas https://emergencehealthnetwork.org 2018-01-30
Family & Children's Services Tulsa Oklahoma http://www.fcsok.org 2005-09-26
Four Rivers Behavioral Health Paducah Kentucky https://4rbh.org 2006-01-19
Frontier Behavioral Health Spokane Washington http://www.fbhwa.org 1993-11-23
Frontier Health Gray Tennessee http://www.frontierhealth.org 2000-01-04
Gateway Birmingham Alabama http://www.gway.org 2018-01-04
Grafton Integrated Health Network Winchester Virginia https://www.grafton.org 2002-07-25
Granite Mountain Behavioral Healthcare Prescott Valley Arizona https://granitemountainbhc.com 2022-04-12
Gulf Coast Center League City Texas https://gulfcoastcenter.org 2025-01-22
Health Solutions Pueblo Colorado https://www.health.solutions 2024-01-01
Henderson Behavioral Health Ft Lauderdale Florida http://www.hendersonbh.org 2007-03-23
Heritage Behavioral Health Center Decatur Illinois http://www.heritagenet.org 1988-11-18
High Plains Mental Health Center Hays Kansas http://www.hpmhc.com 2011-09-26
Highland Rivers Health Dalton Georgia http://highlandrivershealth.com 2017-01-23
Hill Country MHDD Centers Kerrville Texas https://www.hillcountry.org 2022-03-11
Hope Network Grand Rapids Michigan http://www.hopenetwork.org 2009-01-06
IMPOWER Longwood Florida https://www.impowerfl.org 2021-07-28
INcompass Healthcare Lawrenceburg Indiana https://incompasshc.org 2023-01-10
Jefferson Center for Mental Health Wheat Ridge Colorado http://www.jcmh.org 1985-03-25
Kitsap Mental Health Services Bremerton Washington https://www.kitsapmentalhealth.org 2025-01-13
La Frontera Arizona, Inc. Tucson Arizona http://www.lafrontera.org 1997-12-11
Lakeview Behavioral Health Services Pensacola Florida http://www.elakeviewcenter.org 1985-02-01
Liberty Resources East Syracuse New York https://www.liberty-resources.org/ 2021-08-18
LifeSkills, Inc. Bowling Green Kentucky http://www.lifeskills.com 2016-01-11
LifeSpring Health Systems Jeffersonville Indiana http://www.lifespringhealthsystems.org 1996-10-31
LifeStream Behavioral Center Leesburg Florida http://www.lsbc.net 2000-10-27
LifeWorks NW Portland Oregon http://www.lifeworksnw.org 2000-01-01
Lutheran Family Services Omaha Nebraska https://www.lfsneb.org 2021-10-07
Many Rivers Whole Health Great Falls Montana https://manyriverswholehealth.org 2017-12-05
Maryhurst Louisville Kentucky https://www.maryhurst.org 2023-11-27
McNabb Center Knoxville Tennessee https://www.mcnabbcenter.org 2000-06-30
Merakey USA Lafayette Hill Pennsylvania https://www.merakey.org 2024-05-03
Meridian Health Services Muncie Indiana https://www.meridianhs.org/ 2003-07-01
Meridian Healthcare Gainesville Florida http://www.mbhci.org 1985-02-01
MH Services for Clark & Madison Counties Springfield Ohio http://www.mhscc.org 1986-06-19
MHMR of Tarrant County Fort Worth Texas http://www.MHMRtarrant.org 1990-08-03
Monarch Charlotte North Carolina http://www.monarchnc.org 2015-09-15
Mountain Comprehensive Care Center Prestonsburg Kentucky https://www.mtcomp.org/ 2018-08-31
ncgCARE Inc. Richmond Virginia http://www.ncgcare.com 2015-03-12
New Vista Lexington Kentucky https://newvista.org 1995-09-26
North Central Behavioral Health Systems La Salle Illinois http://www.ncbhs.org 2009-02-02
North Central Mental Health Services Columbus Ohio https://www.ncmhs.org 1987-01-05
North Range Behavioral Health Greeley Colorado https://northrange.org 2025-01-06
NorthCare Oklahoma City Oklahoma http://www.northcare.com 2011-04-13
NorthKey Community Care Covington Kentucky http://www.northkey.org 1987-03-01
Open Sky Community Services Worcester Massachusetts https://www.openskycs.org 2016-09-26
Pacific Clinics Campbell California https://www.pacificclinics.org 2000-09-08
Pathways, Inc. Ashland Kentucky http://www.pathways-ky.org/ 2018-07-26
Peace River Center Bartow Florida https://peacerivercenter.org 2002-02-11
Peninsula Behavioral Health Port Angeles Washington https://peninsulabehavioral.org 2024-08-29
Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources Hattiesburg Mississippi http://www.pbmhr.org 1997-02-19
Polara Health Prescott Valley Arizona https://www.polarahealth.com 2014-03-27
Porter-Starke Services, Inc. Valparaiso Indiana http://www.porterstarke.org 1995-06-15
Preferred Behavioral Health Group Lakewood New Jersey https://www.preferredbehavioral.org 2023-03-23
Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. Kirksville Missouri https://pfh.org 2022-04-26
Ramey-Estep Homes, Inc. Rush Kentucky https://www.rameyestep.com 2022-04-06
Ravenwood Health Chardon Ohio https://ravenwoodhealth.org 2020-06-25
Red Rock Behavioral Health Services Oklahoma City Oklahoma http://www.red-rock.com 2015-12-04
ReDiscover Lees Summit Missouri https://www.rediscovermh.org 2020-01-02
RiverValley Behavioral Health Owensboro Kentucky http://www.rvbh.com 1988-01-01
Rosecrance Health Network Rockford Illinois https://rosecrance.org 2023-09-29
Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center, Inc. Richmond Michigan http://www.sacredheartcenter.com 2002-08-14
San Luis Valley Behavioral Health Group Alamosa Colorado https://www.slvbehavioralhealthgroup.org 2023-03-28
ServiceNet Northampton Massachusetts https://www.servicenet.org 1998-03-27
Seven Counties Services Louisville Kentucky https://sevencounties.org 1986-08-19
Sinnissippi Centers, Inc. Dixon Illinois https://sinnissippi.org 2023-05-01
SMA Healthcare Daytona Beach Florida https://smahealthcare.org 2020-07-07
Solari Tempe Arizona https://solari-inc.org 2023-07-12
Sound Tukwila Washington http://www.sound.health 1991-10-18
Southeast, Inc. Columbus Ohio http://www.southeastinc.com 2010-06-25
Southwest Behavioral & Health Services, Inc. Phoenix Arizona http://www.sbhservices.org 2019-12-02
Spectrum HealthCare Group Cottonwood Arizona http://www.spectrumhealthcare-group.org 2016-01-28
Spindletop Center Beaumont Texas http://spindletopcenter.org/ 1988-12-17
Starting Point Behavioral Healthcare Yulee Florida http://www.spbh.org 2009-09-21
Suncoast Center, Inc. St. Petersburg Florida http://www.suncoastcenter.org 2001-06-20
TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities) Chicago Illinois https://www.tasc.org 2021-05-24
TCN Behavioral Health Services Fairborn Ohio https://www.tcn.org 2020-02-10
Texana Center Rosenberg Texas http://www.texanacenter.com 2006-10-16
The Brien Center Pittsfield Massachusetts https://www.briencenter.org 2025-01-07
The Brookline Center Brookline Massachusetts https://www.brooklinecenter.org 2020-01-22
The Center for Health Care Services San Antonio Texas https://chcsbc.org 2018-06-26
The Children's Guild Baltimore Maryland https://childrensguild.org 2025-01-10
The Counseling Center Wooster Ohio http://www.ccwhc.org 1987-01-05
The Guidance Center (AR) Fort Smith Arkansas https://wacgc.org 2024-01-03
The Guidance Center (AZ) Flagstaff Arizona https://www.tgcaz.org 2020-01-13
The Harris Center HOUSTON Texas https://theharriscenter.org 2019-01-01
The Providence Center Providence Rhode Island http://www.providencecenter.org 1995-05-03
Triumph Treatment Services Yakima Washington https://triumphtx.org 2022-12-05
Tropical Texas Behavioral Health EDINBURG Texas http://www.ttbh.org 2005-12-16
United Services, Inc. Dayville Connecticut http://www.unitedservicesct.org 1985-06-25
University Health Behavioral Health Kansas City Missouri https://universityhealthkc.org 2017-12-05
Valley Oaks Health Lafayette Indiana http://valleyoaks.org 1998-07-06
Vista Maria Dearborn Heights Michigan https://www.vistamaria.org 2024-12-12
Volunteer Behavioral Health Care System Murfreesboro Tennessee https://www.vbhcs.org 1994-10-04
Wasatch Behavioral Health Provo Utah https://www.wasatch.org 2016-01-04
WellPower Denver Colorado https://www.wellpower.org 2016-11-07
WellStone, Inc. Huntsville Alabama https://www.wellstone.com 2021-11-23
Wyandot Behavioral Health Network Kansas City Kansas http://www.wyandotbhn.org 2021-12-22
Zepf Center Toledo, OH Ohio http://www.zepfcenter.org 2014-02-11

About Us

mhca is a results-oriented organization that operates in a fast, flexible, and focused mode. We take pride in the purposeful and productive involvement and participation of our members. Because mhca is composed of members who share common visions and priorities, we are able to quickly determine our objectives, commit the necessary resources, and accomplish our goals.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 12037
Tallahassee, FL  32317
TEL:  (850) 942-4900