A national association of innovative & entrepreneurial
behavioral healthcare organizations
focused on the development of C-suite executives.

Agenda for 2025 San Antonio, TX

Preliminary Program – Subject to Change – Check Back for Additional Information and Updates

  NOTE:    In-Person Conference only!  No Virtual Conference or Remote attendance will be offerered.

Times posted are in CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME (UTC-5) !

2025 Spring Conference

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A-Train Marketing   Wi-Fi Sponsor   https://atrainmarketing.com
Cantata Health Solutions   Solution Center   https://cantatahealth.com
ContinuumCloud   Keynote Presentation Sponsor & Solution Center   https://continuumcloud.com
Eleos Health   Book, Room Key, Innovation Incubator  & Know Before You Go Email Sponsor & Solution Center   https://eleos.health
Genoa Healthcare   WED Reception & WED Afternoon Break Sponsor   https://www.genoahealthcare.com
INCITE Consulting Solutions   Orientation Luncheon Sponsor   https://inciteconsultingsolutions.com
Iris Telehealth   Solution Center   https://iristelehealth.com
Limbic   Solution Center   https://limbic.ai
Lyssn   Conference App Sponsor   https://www.lyssn.io
Martyn Family Foundation   Education Sponsor   https://www.martynfoundation.org
MedTrainer   Solution Center   https://medtrainer.com
MHRRG / Negley Associates   TUE Reception and Take Note Sponsor & Solution Center   https://www.mhrrg.com | https://www.jjnegley.com
Netsmart   Solution Center   https://www.ntst.com
NeuroFlow   Solution Center   https://www.neuroflow.com
NextGen Healthcare   Solution Center   https://www.nextgen.com
Pondurance   Solution Center   https://www.pondurance.com
Pulse for Good   Solution Center   https://www.pulseforgood.com
Radicle Health   Solution Center   https://radicle-health.com
Qualifacts   Solution Center   https://www.qualifacts.com
Streamline Healthcare Solutions   Solution Center   https://www.streamlinehealthcare.com
The Meyers Group   Solution Center   https://www.mr-themeyersgroup.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE:    Recorded Sessions  

  NOTE:    In-Person Conference only!  No Virtual Conference attendance will be offerered. 

Some sessions will be recorded and made available in the Conference Presentations documents library.
These sessions are denoted by the green icon at the right  >>>>>>>>

Tuesday, May 13

 1:30 - 4:30 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Leadership Incubator
 Sponsored by:  Eleos Health

Tales from Mergers and Acquisitions: A Tactical Guide to Strategic Growth Without Losing Your Mission or Your Mind

Facilitators: CJ Davis PsyD, CEO, of Burrell Behavioral Health; and Stacy DiStefano MC, CEO, of Consulting For Human Services

We’ve all heard the saying - you’re either at the table or you’re on the menu. This session will provide mental health executives with a tactical roadmap for taking control  of strategic expansion, covering key factors such as securing board buy-in, identifying your ideal partner, understanding why deals fail, defining non-negotiables, and knowing when to  compromise. Through case studies and real-world examples, we explore how to leverage consultants, avoid common pitfalls, and execute a growth strategy that strengthens both  mission and financial sustainability.

 5:00 - 6:30 pm CDT (UTC-5) 

 Welcome Reception
 Sponsored by: MHRRG & Negley Associates

All attendees and their travel companions are invited to join us for drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

Wednesday, May 14  

 7:30 - 8:30 am CDT (UTC-5)

 Registration & Continental Breakfast
 Sponsorship Available!

 8:30 - 10:00 am CDT (UTC-5)

 Welcome & General Session
 Sponsored by: ContinuumCloud 

What’s Your Pink Cadillac? The Transformational Power of Prioritizing Joy

Presenter: Ryan Campbell, Author & Speaker

Dive into the joy-fueled resilience hidden in our hobbies, interests, and simple pleasures. In a fast-paced world where our challenges are relentless and the solutions seem  out of reach, Ryan delivers a message of accessible, attainable change. From the highs of a world record-breaking expedition to the most unimaginable low of a plane crash and  paraplegic diagnosis, Ryan uses his story to highlight the realities of adversity and the role of resilience. Get ready to smile like a kid, step back, and show up better.

 10:00 - 10:30 am CDT (UTC-5) 

 Morning Break
 Sponsorship Available!

 10:30 - Noon CDT (UTC-5)

 General Session
 Sponsored by:  Martyn Family Foundation

The Future is Human: Creating People-First Work Cultures  

Presenter:  Hannah Ubl, Co-Founder, of Good Company Consulting

We are entering a new era of work, one where businesses win when leaders are compassionate, communication is empathetic, and people are prioritized. But that  transformation, much like any kind of change, requires a great degree of intention and care, especially during a time when workplaces are shifting because of AI, a new lens on work- life balance, and shifting attitudes and behaviors at work. By embracing these trends that are shaping today’s work environment, there’s an opportunity to design the kind of  organization we all want to work in, and a culture we can all be a part of.

 Noon - 1:30 am CDT (UTC-5) 

 Grab Lunch with a Few of Your mhca Peers

 Noon - 1:30 am CDT (UTC-5)

 Orientation Lunch for New & Prospective mhca Member CEOs (by invitation only)
 Sponsored by:  INCITE Consulting Solutions

 1:30 - 3:00 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Breakout Sessions

What’s Your Pink Cadillac? A Deeper Dive

Presenter: Ryan Campbell, Author & Speaker

Join Ryan for a ‘fireside’ deep dive into additional story and insight behind the Pink Cadillac conversation. This is your chance to ask questions and spend some time  completing your very own JoyAudit.

Surviving and Thriving in an Uncertain Future: Navigating Federal Policy Shifts in Behavioral Health 

Facilitators:  Kelly Phillips-Henry PsyD MBA, mhca Board Chair and CEO of Aurora Mental Health & Recovery; and C.J.Davis PsyD, mhca Vice Chair and CEO of Burrell Behavioral Health

As sweeping federal policy changes threaten funding, access, and the very foundation of behavioral healthcare, leaders must prepare for an uncertain road ahead. Join your peers for a panel discussion on the latest developments and looming threats, from Medicaid cuts to weakened parity protections, and to explore strategies to safeguard your organization. Learn how to adapt, advocate, and ensure your services remain strong in the face of regulatory upheaval.

 3:00 - 3:30 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Afternoon Break
 Sponsored by:  Genoa Healthcare

 3:30 - 5:00 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Breakout Sessions

Communicate So People Can Hear You

Presenter:  Hannah Ubl, Co-Founder, of Good Company Consulting 

Strong communication is what separates great people managers from the not-so-great. It’s the secret sauce to making employees feel heard, valued, and engaged. This presentation  gives everyone the time they may otherwise not take to pause, reflect, and refresh those ol’ communication skills. From learning how to share ideas or run a meeting in an engaging  way to learning best practices to give feedback, you’ll walk away with new communication skills that make for a better work environment for everyone.

Hiring With Heart: Turning Culture Into a True Recruitment Asset

Presenter: Timothy A. Zercher, CEO, of A-Train Marketing

In today’s talent market, your culture can be the game-changer you need. This workshop equips leaders with actionable strategies to turn their organization’s culture into a recruitment  and retention powerhouse by aligning it with marketing efforts and leveraging it as a competitive advantage. You’ll leave knowing how to: position your company culture to attract both talent and clients, effectively leverage employees and brand advocates in campaigns, and use storytelling to build authentic connections with candidates and clients.

 5:00 - 6:30 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Sponsored by:  Genoa Healthcare

All attendees and their travel companions are invited to join us for a casual reception.

Thursday, May 15  

 7:30 - 8:30 am CDT (UTC-5) 

 Registration & Continental Breakfast
 Sponsorship Available! 

 8:30 - 10:00 am CDT (UTC-5) 

 General Session
 Sponsored by: Martyn Family Foundation

Navigating the Changing Federal Landscape 

Presenter: Elizabeth Wroe, Principal, of Health Management Associates (HMA)

With full Republican control, Congressional Republicans and the Trump Administration have sought to quickly leverage the budget reconciliation process and administrative actions to advance their policy agenda. This environment creates both opportunities and threats for health and behavioral health stakeholders, especially providers. Join us as we discuss the latest federal health and behavioral health policy developments and strategies that providers and stakeholders can use to navigate the changing federal landscape.

 10:00 - 10:30 am CDT (UTC-5)

 Morning Break
 Sponsorship Available!

 10:30 - Noon CDT (UTC-5)

 Innovation Expo!

Innovation Expo!

Come hear about a variety of innovative initiatives your mhca peers are involved in! Each presentation will be 20 minutes long.

  1. Emergence Health Network: "Innovation Across the Crisis Continuum"
    Presenters: Kristen Daugherty LCSW-S LISW-S MBA, CEO; and Chrystal Davis LPC-S, Chief Clinical Officer
    EHN has enhanced crisis care throughout the region by introducing innovative programming at various intercept points including: School-based CIT through partnerships with ISDs in the catchment area; co-location and integration between 911 and 988 services; and the deployment of Mobile Clinical Assessment Vehicles to provide remote services for both children and adults.

  2. Burke: "Seeing the Forest for the Trees - Partnering with Schools in the Piney Woods of East Texas to Address Trauma and Promote Wellbeing"
    Presenter: Stephen Lantis, Director of Children & Adolescent Services
    Explore how a unique collaboration expands awareness and understanding among our regional partners and community members about the impact and treatment of trauma to insure that families and schools have what they need in order to address risks and promote recovery.

  3. Tropical Texas Behavioral Health: "Blending Crisis Services for Youth in South Texas"
    Presenters: Terry Crocker MBA MA, CEO; and Michael Taylor MS, Deputy CEO/COO
    Learn how Tropical Texas is implementing and/or working with: TCHATT (Tx Child Health Access Through Telemedicine) services in schools, Tropical’s own school-based programs, MST (Multisystemic Therapy), and YES (Youth Empowerment Services) Waiver programs.

  4. The Center for Health Care Services: "Crisis Continuum: Utilizing Community Collaboration to Reduce Barriers for Consumers"
    Presenter(s): TBA
    Learn about the Southwest Texas Crisis Collaborative (STCC) in Bexar County - a comprehensive integrated crisis system across all major public players, hospital providers, philanthropy, law enforcement and behavioral health providers. This system has spawned LE Nav (Law Enforcement Navigation) and the multi-disciplinary response teams to respond in real time to 911 calls to de-escalate individuals and provide proper psychiatric care.

 Noon - 1:30 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Grab Lunch with a Few of Your mhca Peers

 1:30 - 2:00 pm CDT (UTC-5) 

 Afternoon Break
 Sponsorship Available!

 1:30 - 3:00 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 General Session

eTMS: Stimulating Brain Wellbeing in Military Veterans, Law Enforcement & First Responders

Presenters: Joe Charles, President, of JLC Services Inc.; and Dr Jeff Morris, eTMS Physician & Healthcare Speaker

EEG-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (eTMS) is a unique, personalized approach to TMS that utilizes advanced diagnostic and cutting edge therapeutic  techniques to address a variety of mental health and neurologic conditions, either as a complementary modality to more traditional measures or as a standalone modality for those who are not being treated at all. The presenters will describe the innovative eTMS Ohio program and how it has helped Military Veterans, Law Enforcement & First Responders access and derive the benefits of this pioneering modality at no cost to them. They will also discuss how the eTMS Ohio model is being utilized to expand these services across other States.

 3:30 - 5:00 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 Free Time

Time to connect with your mhca peers is the most valuable benefit of attending our conferences - take this time to gather with your friends old and new for some relaxation and conversation.

 3:30 - 5:00 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 mhca Board of Directors Meeting
 Chair:  Kelly Phillips-Henry PsyD MBA

 5:00 - 6:30 pm CDT (UTC-5)

 The After Party!
 Sponsorship Available!  

Contact Gena ASAP to secure this opportunity to make a splash with mhca members and keep your brand top of mind all quarter.

All attendees and their travel companions are invited to join us for drinks and hors d’oeuvres.


About Us

mhca is a results-oriented organization that operates in a fast, flexible, and focused mode. We take pride in the purposeful and productive involvement and participation of our members. Because mhca is composed of members who share common visions and priorities, we are able to quickly determine our objectives, commit the necessary resources, and accomplish our goals.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 12037
Tallahassee, FL  32317
TEL:  (850) 942-4900